Welcome to PMNow!

Items needed to build your campaign:

1. Grant “[email protected]” Admin Access to your Facebook page (Incredible Hulk)

2. Create a Facebook Business Manager account if you don’t already have one.

3. Create an Ad Account in Facebook Business Manager

4. Add PMNow as a Partner to your Business Manager. Make sure to assign us Admin access to the Ad Account you created. Partner ID: 345850029188452

5. Send the contact information of the person following up with the leads plus all of the email addresses you want us sending the leads to.

6. Send a .PNG file of your company logo.

7. Footage for Ad Video: Any and all B-Roll footage you have or can capture for us. Here’s a general shot list you can work off of (members warming up, instructors teaching / leading, members drilling, members rolling or working out). 

8. Footage for Testimonial Video: Any testimonial video you can capture for us – multiple if possible! Here are some questions to ask (introduce yourself, why’d you start, what results were produced, why do you like it here?)

9. Any and all image/photo content that you have (Including a headshot for email signatures). This is especially important for us to build your landing page.

10. General idea of an Offer: which class would you like to promote / what is the offer? (Free week, $45 month, etc.)and a Bonus Offer (e.g., free t-shirt if they call immediately).

11. Create your Sales Message account, pick your phone number, and send us the login info.

Optional Steps to Improve the Campaign:

a. Admin access to your website or email address of web master to install Facebook tracking pixel.

b. Excel or CSV file of customer/prospect info (name, email, phone, etc.) to build a Facebook lookalike audience. PMNow promises to never contact these people or sell your information.